Monday, January 12, 2009


Well let me just put it out there: IM PETRIFIED!!!!

I'm so scared to go home and have to face the "normal life" that is waiting out there.
I don't want to have to leave a place I have come to know as my home to go to a place that seems to far away, a place where positions and money are the deciding factor of if you are good enough.
A place that I used to call home and fit into so well.

Now I think of it as a place that is cold, materialistic and so very very dark.

But luckily for me I have a very bright light to lead me, His name is Jesus.
Even though sometimes it seems like he is so far from me and that he is nowhere to be found I know I can always rely on him.

Many times in the past week I have thought about what I'm gonna be doing with my life this year and I still honestly can't tell you. All I know is that I will try to live a life that is pleasing to my Father, not my father here on earth but one who is greater than him.

I hope that all of you, my friends, family and even those who I don't know will not be drawn into the cycle of "normal life" that the world provides for us, but that you would all rather go against the flow, swim upstream and not do what the world says is right.

With all my love and blessings

1 comment:

Kristal Dawn said...

In the words of a wise wise wise woman... "Never never never never never never never never give up!"

I wish the best for you. PLEASE keep in touch. Sorry I couldn't see you off. I will miss you and will be praying for you.

Much Love.