Sunday, June 22, 2008

The brothers of construction

So its was pretty cool figuring out that all three footprints males were all here in masoyi.

We are all from different intakes which makes it absolutely rare and pretty amazing if you ask me.

Farzaam was the 1st footprints male, from the february intake last year.
He had to go home early to continue his studies in Architecture.
He came back for a while to Masoyi but had to go to the DRC for his building plans.

Hendri being the second is a Dutch guy from Holland.
He was part of the August intake last year.
he served in Mozambique for a while and was back for a while and will soon be leaving Hands at Work.

Then there is me.
Being the third male and the 1st South African is pretty cool.
I seem to be staying in SA for my time here but im willing to Go where God sends me.

Oh and all three us males are based on construction, hence the name "The brother of construction"

hope you all well

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Emotions running wild

On wednesday morning I woke up feeling a tad on the wierd side, but that went away fairly soon.

I went to small group at 8 as usual and was reminded why I felt so wierd, we were doin our outreach that day.
I had completely forgotten about it, we were going to Themba hospital.
Hospital visits aren't my most favourite thing to do if you haven't gathered that yet.
but I had to go so at about 1 30 Pm we left to go there.
we arrived and split up into teams, I went with Sandy a lady from Calvary church in New York( My sister church).
we went to the second floor and asked the nurses if we could pray for the patients, they said yes thankfully.
we started praying for individuals throughout the entire 2nd floor.
2 fairly young gentlemen were there and we asked if we could pray for them, at that moment I saw 2 men shine like nobody else.
we prayed for them and they were so receptive to the holy spirit.
after praying for them I gave them each a mini bible and if I thought they were shining before was I in for a surprise, I practically needed sunglasses!
we then prayed for the nurses on that floor and went downstairs to the next ward.
again we asked if we could pray and they said yes.
we didnt know what to expect but what I saw broke me completely.
many of the people we saw and prayed for were on their death beds.
on family asked us to pray for their son/husband and we did with the family, then unexpectantly we started praying for the family.
it was super emotional.
one old man that I prayed for was so amazing, he practically didn't want to let go of my hand, as I was leaving his bed side I said to him "Nkulunkulu Ukubusise" when translated means God bless you. he looked at me and had a massive smile on his face and couldn't stop thanking me, I just wanted to stay and chat with that old guy for a very long time but visiting hours were over.

we left that place and told our stories to each other and I was so full of teas at that point I couldn't talk.

The whole xperience was so amazing and I would encourage everyone to do it sometime, many of the people never get visitors and just need some form of love from another person.

God bless ya all