Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ma Linda

So we met a woman in Masoyi named Ma Linda.
she is one of the most amazing woman out there.
she was a principal of a school and has worked for Masoyi home based care(HBC)
she mentioned many things while we visited her but the most amazing one was
"The difference in our skin colour means nothing, we should be who we were created to be... children of God"
she suffered during the Apartheid era yet holds no resentment against white people.
Why is it then that so many whit, black, coloured, Asian etc people continuously make racial slurs against each other?
weren't we all created equal by God?
yes maybe you have had your life threatened by someone, but one person shouldn't make you hate an entire people group.

I know this might fall upon deaf ears but im hoping that this does make you think a bit

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

the start of all things

hello ppl
I finally started a blog(big step for me)
well im fairly new to this so dont be to harsh!!!!
ill add things when i feel the urge or have time