Saturday, November 8, 2008

Helo ppl

Hi people

Yes it's been ages since I've sent anything home so I decided to say hi.

Well its been a pretty busy period yet again but life is still going on well.
I got a bit of a concussion on sunday playing soccer.
David and I hit each other pretty hard going for the ball, but we are both ok luckily.
I actually dunno what to say cause im feeling rather slow.

Well South Africa beat Wales now 20 points to 15 in rugby, but wales deserved the win.

So a date has been set for me to come home, or is it go home( im a bit confused)
I will get back to Johannesburg on the 20th of January 2009.

Please pray for wisdom, courage and strength for us all as we face this last stretch of 2008.
pray for security on the Hands village, ASM property and for the Lodge up the road.
Please pray for me as I start looking to find a place in a University next year.

Many blessings and lots of love

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