Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Dont you just hate being sick?

well I just thought id put it out there that im going to be teaching Afrikaans for the next while, pray for the students im teaching!
also im building now, its gonna be pretty awesome learning a new skill!

If any of you wanna contact me directly drop me an e-mail and pass it on to your friends, pets, teachers or any of the like

later ppl

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The time is now

There has never been a greater time than this for the church to get involved in the orphan situation in Africa!
The need is huge at the moment but think about this: If every church in the world were to do only a small bit there would be no orphans in the world let alone Africa.

C'Mon now is caring for the widows and orphans not a biblical mandate?????

Why is it that we sit back and do nothing while children die, are abused sexually, physically, mentally and spiritually?
Why do we turn away from those which Jesus has commanded us to care for?
Children are the future of our world so why do we turn away from them in times of their greatset need?